Blog 3




fill(250, 0, 0);

rect(230, 230, 50, 50);






line(230, 230, 100, 160);





line(230, 225, 100, 155);





line(230, 215, 100, 145);


3. The visiable difference is the edges between the two ellipses, one is smooth (smooth()), and when the noSmooth() is activated then the outline of the elipse is jagged. Smooth() function is activated my default, you need to specificly call noSmooth().


4. After the code is finished running,  X will equal 5 and Y will equal 10.


5. The code tells where each vertex is going to be with the parameters of a X and Y axis The beginShape starts the shape and endShape(Close) connects them all together.


6. The float num will equal a random number anywhere from 0-20.


7. The code looks to see if num is less than 10, If it is less than 10 then it will fill a triangle of (20, 20, 20, 100, 120, 100)  with the color of (0, 255, 0); but if the number is 10 or greater then the code will create an ellipse with (width/2, height/2, 50,50) with a fill of (0,0,255).


B. If you would like to draw a red triangle instead of a green triangle, you would change the second parameter of fill to 0, and the first parameter to 255.


8.  To create 100 ellipses on the screen you would change the for loop to check for i < = 100.


B To make each ellipse a random color you would just need to create three variables with a random number up to 255 inside the for loop and add a fill with the three variables in the parameters.





       float x;

       float y;

       float z;

       float q;

       float a;

       for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i = i+1) {

          x = random(360);

          y = random(360);

          z = random(255);

          q = random(255);

          a = random(255);


          ellipse(x+20, y+20, 20,20);



Blog 3


       float x;

       float y;

       float z;

       float q;

       float a;

       for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i = i+1) {

          x = random(360);

          y = random(360);

          z = random(255);

          q = random(255);

          a = random(255);


          ellipse(x+20, y+20, 20,20);


Blog 2

“Avant-Garde” is an art type that when viewed by many would not be considered art, such as the Marcel Duchamp urinal. Different type of art styles that some would consider dark. I view it more as an expression of personality, an innovative new way of art to evoke new senses and create new opportunities for artists to express them selves.  I do not believe that Avant-Garde art has a certain type style, but more is decided in the eyes of the beholder, which can differ from person to person on the same piece. Most people would view the Duchamp urinal as obscure art, or not even any form of art; but what if, that is standard art for Duchamp and normal painting is a style of Avant-Garde art to him. While the masses would view Avant-Garde style of art as obscure, consisting of dark colors, or odd objects; I simply think that the style is just anything that is out of the ordinary for the viewer.

I believe that Peter Bürger was trying to say that artists were starting to branch out into different areas of art, essentially some artists were starting to become bored. Peter Bürger, believed that emerging new art was fun and creative, but some people did not like it as much as the traditional style of art. Art does not have a specific anatomy, but it is anything that pleases the eye or evokes thought. Artists were not undermining the traditional sense of art, but rather just bored with the old concept and creating something new. Artists need to create new things all the time to continue to generate income, and the “Hipsters” of that art generation got bored with traditional painting or sculpting and decided to take a new view on art. I believe that this new and emerging art lead into a lot of new concepts in art, and was extremely good for the art world by broadening the spectrum of art. The new emerging style of art created new opportunities for a different type of creative person to create something great. With this new type of art different senses tingled when looking at the art, which some people loved, and others hated. I believe that Peter Bürger was trying to say that the Avant-Garde style was good for the art world, because it brought new people into the art world, and broadened the view on art and maybe even created a rebirth on the entire art world.

I believe that a modern day analogy to Avant-Garde art, is the whole idea on “Hipsters”. Breaking the norms of society and attempting new things, like Avant-Garde art. Hipsters are sometimes viewed as obscure or weird for stepping outside of the box and trying new styles of clothing. Like Avant-Garde art, some people might find a outfit that a Hipster wears as offending or odd, or maybe even a combination of the both. The Avant-Garde style of art, I believe is also like a specific genre of music. The Avant-Garde style was viewed as sometimes offending like the current genre of music, Death Metal. Death Metal, like Avant-Garde art can be viewed as extremely offensive from the screaming vocals, to the actual words in the lyrics. Relating back to Duchamp’s urinal, Death Metal can be extremely explicit vocally to the ears, like the piece of art that Duchamp created can be extremely explicit to the eyes in this situation. There are various modern day things that can be related to a Avant-Garde style of art. The Avant-Garde style of art, in my eyes is not something that should be related to odd or obscure art, but something that should be related to different, or thinking out side of the box.

Homework 1

The piece that I created involved pictures, sorted in a way to create your ideal mate. Cutting out three of your favorite pictures of the opposite sex and cutting them into three pieces; organizing them into piles consisting of a head, torso, and lower body. While creating this instruction set, one specific element was key to my piece, simplicity. I decided that I would like to create a simple and minimal instruction set, so that various people would participate. I liked the pieces of art that were random, but still having a choice on selecting a portion of the piece. I was also inspired to do this solely because I believe that it would be a fun experience to see if specific people you are attracted to, are still attractive when they are altered. While the piece is not completely random, there is a minor element of entropy. Selecting your own pictures is not random, but the actual output is the random element of the instruction set. The entropy of the piece is not extremely high, but does have a small amount of surprise on what combinations of the pictures you have selected will arise.

The piece that I stumbled upon online, was a instruction set by Sol Lewitt (Number 118). There is not a time stamp on when the piece was created, but it was an instruction set written for a Boston museum. The instructions for the piece follow, “On a wall surface, any continuous stretch of wall, using a hard pencil, place fifty points at random. The points should be evenly distributed over the area of the wall. All of the points should be connected by straight lines. “. I believe that Sol was leading the follower of the instruction set to actually find the area of the room that they enjoyed more. While randomly putting dots on the wall, the artist would eventually gravitate more towards one area of the wall; That area of the wall would be the spot that would be most intriguing when the lines are connected, in turn that would be the area of the wall that you enjoyed the most. Depending on the wall size and the person following the instruction set, the final work could be predicted. The entropy level of the art is not extremely high, you can decide where you want to put the dots and if you actually want to distribute the dots equally across the wall, or not. I do believe that this instruction set could create a fun piece of work on the wall, creating a spider web type wall. I concluded that this instruction set is something that can be accomplished easily, which would lead many to try creating their own Sol Lewitt, while still having every output of the instructions looking different from a previous version.